Monday, May 10, 2010

~*While I wait Paiently*~...

 "How Long Will You Make Me Wait? I Don't Know How Much More I Can Take..."
  (To Whom It May Concern - The Civil Cars)

It's Spring, time to plant the garden and flowers and wait! I always have to wait. My Boyfriend is in China for a business class and I have to wait 21 more days till he comes home!
 I have to wait for school to be over! I have to wait on God's time!! (Ecclesiastes. 3:1-8)
But most of all I have to wait for My Beloved! Whom God is taking care of for me as He is taking care of me for him! I have always loved the "Praying for my Beloved" because it puts your full trust in God and in His timing! I have read many blogs and devotions about this and this has made me feel some what happy. Because every time I pray for my beloved I feel closer to God and feel like my beloved is praying for me.
 There are a lot of things we must wait on. Sometimes I really hate to wait sometimes. Like when you are baking chocolate chip cookies and they are in the oven and you have to wait for them to bake. Then you have to take them out then you have to wait for them to cool. That is the kind of waiting I don't like.
 I also don't like waiting for e-mails form my boyfriend! It's hard cause he is almost twelve hours ahead of us! It's so funny, I sent him an e-mail this morning and I told him good night but it was 930am here! It's great.
 Sigh I also can't wait for camp. I love camp and I can't wait for school to be over.

When I left for school today my little sisters nanny goat was in labor, When I got home form work there were two Baby Boys!! They are so cute but we kind of wanted and needed girls!! Awe well you get what you get! Well that is all for now. I hope you can wait for my next post! ;)
  Until we meet(again),
Love, Prayers, and Blessings,

 "Dear Whom Ever You May Be, I'm Still Waiting Patently!"


  1. Hello Caitydid, I am one of the authors of Meditations of His Love and I thought I would stop by your blog to say hello. You had mentioned in a comment on MOHL about getting some advice about balancing relationships with others while keeping God first, I have a suggestion for you. Have you ever heard of Leslie Ludy? She is a godly lady who has written some excellent books on the topic you mentioned and I would highly recommend that you visit her website at and also check into purchasing some of her books. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Feel free to check out my personal blog which is Footprints in the Sand.

    In Christ, Elizabeth

  2. Thank you so much Elizabeth!! You are too swet. I'm doing fine now. I'm still trying to find the right balence between Life and God and sometime's (though it's some what harder) I find that if I mix the both I'm fine. So I'm hanging in there. Thanks. :) With Love and Blessings!!
