So I was looking at some blogs that I like to read and I saw that one had a reading list. I looked at the titles and I liked the was some of them sound so I wrote them down and made my own Summer Reading List!
Maybe You would like to read along with me....
Boundaries in Dating. By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John TownsendThis was a very good book!- *Boundaries Face to Face. How to Have That Difficult Conversation You've Been Avoiding: With Your Spouse, Adult Child, Boss, Coworker, Best Friend, Parent, or Someone You're Dating. By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
- How to Find a Date Worth Keeping. By Dr Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend I will have to get this one again. I ran out of time to read it.
- Art and the Bible. By Francis Schaeffer
- The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. By Jermiah Burrough
- Desiring God. By John Piper
- Art for Gods Sake. By Philip Grahm Ryken
- *Boy Meets Girl. By Joshua Harris
I kissed Dating Good Bye. by Joshua Harris(will read again)- Not Even A Hint.(A Study Guide for Young/Weman). By Joshuah Harris
- The War Against Boys- How Misguiding Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. By Christina Hoff -Sommers
- Becoming a Titus 2 Woman. By Martha Peace
- Passion and Purity. By Elizabeth Elliot
- Let Me Be A Woman. By Elizabeth Elliot
- The Beauty of Modesty. By David and Diane Vaughan
- The Princess and the Kiss. By Jennie Bishop (yes I know it's a child's book but it has such a great message in it and it's so cute!)
- Before You Meet Prince Charming. By Sarah Mally
- Her Hand In Marriage. By Douglas Wilson
- The Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husbands Vision. By Douglas Phillips
- Verses of Virtue. Arther Unknown (by me)
- Passionate Housewives Desperate for God. By Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald
- So Much More. By Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Bothin
I made my boyfriend read I Kissed Dating Good Bye so he knew where I was coming from when we first started dating. My friend let me read her copy after I had broke up with my ex and after reading the book My mind was wide open! I was able to (some what) trust guys and my self again and not feel all awkward around them. So that is why I made my BF read it. So he knew what I was talking about and so we could set up boundaries in our relationship with each other! It's a great book if you want to meet guys but not date them because it just has a whole lot of truth in it!
There will be more book to come to keep checking in and read along with me! It will be a great way to spend summer evenings or just an afternoon after church or during lunch! So read along and enjoy Gods blessings known as Books!!
Have a wonderful and Blessed day!
So it's taking me much longer to get through these books because the lib. does not understand what I'm trying to check out!! I order the book I get a letter in the mail saying they could not find the book... I ordered it so it can be found in other libs!! GGEERRRRRRRRR...... I shall try again! ;)