So much has happened in the past year,
I'm putting myself under construction. As well as the Blog.
Not sure where to begin, but I'll have this blog up and running again soon.
I'm sorry for being away for so long and keeping you my dear readers out of the loop.
As for Caitydid Creations.... I'll start that back up again soon as well.
Check back in to see new pictures along the side bar, and for posts about what has happened in my life sense last may.
Warning... some of it is pretty deep, and we may cry together.
Some Prayer is greatly needed right now. I've been a bit lost and feeling kind of... broken. So maybe just a prayer for courage, and peace,
Good news though,
I get to move into my new apartment this Thursday, and I can't tell you how Happy and Excited I am about that. (story to come as to why it's MY apartment and why I'm so happy about it)
Like I said, it's been one Hell of year and past 5 months. I'll be back to tell you all about it soon.
Much Love and Many Blessings to you My Dearest Readers.
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