Hello There Dearest Friends,
This is the blog you all have been waiting for. This is the story of.........
So the Weeks before the wedding were pretty calm. No stress on anyone's end and we were just having fun with ideas and making the decorations. There were a few bumps in the road leading to the blessed day, but nothing could stop My Darling *Christian* and I *Arielle* from saying I Do!
Now the day before the wedding, we went to the camp ground and started to set up and decorate. I was so excited to have our oldest homeschool friends there to help, and also my family and the wedding party. My Maid of Honor *little sister Allison* and BFF Brides Maid *Carrie* kept the Grooms Men in line as they hung up the hand made coffee filter and hot glue Pom Pom's from the rafters of the lodge where we would have the reception. While I just ran from here to there, flower petals here, more dinner mints there. And played with Carries little girl who was helping to eat all the dinner mints.
My dad made us a Pergola to get married under. Much like the one below...
Well My Pastor showed up (we were having two pastors do our ceremony mine and Chris') and we stated the Rehearsal. It was going smoothly. We had everyone where they were supposed to be and where to walk. Everything went smooth. Well there was a mishap, but I really don't want to get into that... it's just drama and our wedding was not about drama! It was about LOVE! :)
Well now we are to the day of!
The Morning was a mad rush! Getting everything from our fridge to the camps, getting last minute decorations done, getting us some food! It was CRAZY! But we pulled it off and everything was looking Beautiful! Until.......
A big cloud came over the sun around 3:30ish. And Allison and I were getting kind of worried, but I thought "Well if it rains now, it will be clear and dry for the wedding! No worries." Well.... It rained, we forgot the rice bags on the chairs outside, so Alli and I went out in the rain to get them. Then the clouds just kept coming in, and it got a bit windy. I thought ok it's going to storm no big deal, it's ok.
Around 4 all the grooms men and brides maids got dressed and ready to take pictures. As I was doing my make up, it just down poured! Everyone Ran to get the chairs inside the lodge, and set up for an indoor wedding. I was fine with it. Here I'll show you just how cool we were getting ready in a storm.
Here are some Getting Ready Photos my Dear Friend Gabrielle W. and her sister Took......
"Girls in 'Black" Dresses, with 'Lavender' Sashes" |
Getting My Dress Ready! |
I needed help with my skirt. :) |
All ready to Tear up the dance floor |
Waiting for One more Brides Maid as we ate mini peanutbutter cups and listen to the storm... |
Make Up Time! |
All Set to walk down the aisle and become Mrs. |
Texting My Darling telling him to get the Men out to help bring in the chairs :) |
Well it was then time to take pictures with the photographer!!! We were so Excited! The men went first. So us Girls got to peek out the windows and watch. They looked so good! And of course My Darling Looked the Best In His Black Suit, Black Shirt, Lilac Tie and Bright Blue Eyes! :) Here are the pictures of the men and the Grooms Family.....
The Grooms Men. (Form L-R)
Micha, Jon, CHRIS, Best Man Mitchell, Ryan, Thomas. |
Chris and His Best Man and Brother Mitchell. |
A great Shot of the Men! |
One in Color... Looks like a James Bond Try Out... |
Last one for the guys! |
The One to Whom My Soul Belongs... |
Christian Lockwood Graff |
Chris and his Mom and Step-Dad, Robin and Bill. |
The Grooms Family, Youngest sister Victoria, Step-dad Bill, Mother Robin
Sister Elizabeth, Brothers Mitchell, Ben and Andrew. |
The Grooms Family |
And Now For the Bride and Maids!
The Brides Maids. (From L-R)
Sami, My Niece Isabel, My Older Sister Ana, ME!, My Younger Sister and MOH Allison,
Carrie, Gabrielle W. |
Our Attitude Picture which suites my Niece perfectly. |
Sexy Girls... :) |
Sisters 3 are We. |
My Rotten Little Flower Girl. |
Me and Momma, Jodi |
Me and Daddy, Richard |
My Family!!
Momma, Daddy, Allison, Me, Ana her husband Cory, Isabel, My Grandma Joanne,
Grandma and Grandpa Noel, and Moms Brother (my uncle) John. |
I didn't really want to wear my glasses but with the storm,
My head was hurting so bad and contacts made it worse.
Oh well. It just shows my style more! :) |
This is one of my favorites. |
I love Black and White. |
Beautiful Bride. |
And Now The Ceremony...
Well after the pictures were taken, it started to rain again. So we knew then we would for sure have an indoor wedding. So the Grooms Men went into the lodge to await the girls, and the girls were getting so excited. My pastor came and excorted each of the Brides Maids "down the aisle" under a huge umbrella.
As he came for the last girl he offered to take the flower girl as well. So we asked for Isabel to go with him. When we turned to where she was last seen, she was gone! OH KNOW! "ISABEL! Where did you go?!" I shouted through the house. Then she came Bee-Boppin out of the getting ready room smackin her lips... "I was just putting on more lipstick!" She said in a very divia way with a flip of the wrist and pop of the hip! I just looked after her as she walked with Sami and the Pastor, and said to dad, "Well then, she is just a rotton little booger now isn't she?!" We just laughed and counted to 100 then started our walk under our umbrella and I tried not to cry.
"This is the last time I get to walk with my daddy as a little girl..." I thought just as he slowed down and said to me, "Whelp, I guess you're off to be married now huh my little witch?..." That is what daddy called me when I was really little cause I was a witch every single year for Halloween. I just nodded and gave him a kiss.
As we came up to the door of the lodge and I saw everyone looking at us and then saw Chris standing there all bright eyed and smiling, I just had to grin my cheesy grin and laugh alittle. Then all of a sudden I got a face full of rain water.... Dad had closed the umbrella too soon and I was right under the leaky gutter.... Oh well. It was refreshing......
Throw the peatles on the ground then sit with Garnni Joanne or stay up here ok. :) |
~*~*~*HERE COMES THE BRIDE...*~*~*~
As Gabrielle put it..... Pure JOY! |
Face full of rain and hiding the fact that I had been crying. |
The Ceremony..................
We are gathered here today..... |
This was a good shot.... |
Who Gives This Woman Away?
"Her Mother and I do..." such a bitter-sweet moment. |
Daddy giving me away and 'pushing' us together...... |
Here you can see some of the decorations and how everyone was seated.... :) |
intently listening and waiting... |
I really Love this picture... |
We did a unity candle between pastors, we wanted it to be right in the middle of the ceremony because we really wanted
to show that even before we became husband and wife we were already one family. Despite the Family Drama that went on, and despite our little fights, Before God, We Were One, As we lit the candles Pastor Noah Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. To show that no matter what, Love is Above All. |
Lighting OUR Candle. |
FINALLY! The Vows...... |
Prayer for the Rings... |
"I Chris, Take You Arielle, To Be My Wife,
To Have and To Hold, To Love and To Cherish, To Honor and Obey, For Better For Worse, For Rich or For Poor, In Sickness and In Health Til Death Do Us Part. For Ever and Ever Amen..." |
"I Arielle, Take You, Christian, To Be My Husband,
To Have and To Hold, To Love and To Cherish, To Honor and Obey, For Better For Worse, For Rich or For Poor, In Sickness and In Health Til Death Do Us Part. For Ever and Ever Amen..." |
"If these are your solom vows, then.........
...You may Kiss Your Wife!!"
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you....
Mr. & Mrs. Graff
who will now take a victory lap around the lodge........ and be taken outside for pictures where a Wonderful RAINBOW awaits them...... |
First Photo Evidence of Mr. & Mrs. Graff. |
~*~*~*~*~The Family*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Wedding Party*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Husband & Wife*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
~* The Reception *~
It was kind of a tight fit but everyone got some Yummy food and had a great time. |
Our cake! The topper is a Family Heirloom. My Great Grandma used it, Her Daughters used it, My Momma Used it, My Older sister Used it, Now it was My turn!! :) |
I got the Willow Tree Topper Just in case (I was thinking of making a Grooms cake or apple pie for the groom...) and also I wanted to put it in our kitchen after the wedding. |
Time for the good stuff! |
He grabbed two forks and gave himself a bite! Everyone laughed and booed at him. |
I finally told him that we were supposed to feed eachother a bite so he went along, Then I heard "SHOVE IT IN HIS FACE!" from one of my girls.... Maybe I should have..... |
~*Time To Dance!*~
Our Frist dance was Life House - You and Me. |
At this point I told him that my dress was starting to slip.... Oops.... |
"Because it's You and Me, and no other people, with nothing to do, nothing to loose, And I don't know why, I can't keep My Eyes Off Of You!!!" |
Here he says I love you! |
Then the beat picks up.... It's Swinging Time!!! :) |
It was hard to remember how to swing dance after slow dancing for a bit.... I was a little off beat at first. |
WHOO! My Dress!!!! ^_^ |
~*Daddy Daughter Dance!*~
I forget what were talking about exactly but it was funny! |
I love My Daddy |
Mother Son Dance
~*Now it's your chance to dance with the Bride and Groom*~
My Uncle Travis, my dads youngest brother. I love him so much. |
One of my cousins. I'm happy we got this photo because at her mom and dads wedding I danced with the groom and everyone got lots of photos! :) |
Dancing with My Momma! |
Allison giving Chris What For! (giggle) |
Dancing with my Grandpa Jack. I don't get to see him that often, But he is my grandpa and I love him. I prayed that I would get to dance with him at my wedding some day! |
~*Time to get the Party Started!*~
On the Dance Floor! |
~*Calling all the Single Ladies!*~
~*Ok Chris, This is Your Mission!*~
I was a bit embarrassed! |
~*Ok Men, Now it's Your Mission!*~
~*Time For some Toast's*~
Now I can honestly say, I don't remember what everyone said... I feel kind of bad for not remembering, but I do remember, Mitchell welcomed me into his family with open arms and Thanked Chris for stepping up and being his father figure when their dad passed away... It was really sweet.
Now Allison and Ana didn't know they were going to do a speech. We all forgot. Oops. But they said a few funny things about me, and said how amazing it was that Chris and I should be together even if we are complete opposites. :)
Oh! Don't forget to sign the guest book on the way out if you didn't see it coming in!!
This was a Love Quotes Book I found in a book store. Each page had a quote and on the opposite side was a blank page so everyone found a quote they liked and left their name and a little note. :)
~*And They Lived Happily Ever After!*~
About time you posted this and I love that rainbow picture, it totally made the rain worth it.