And here they are.
{note: all tittles with a strike through are finished books.
all tittles that are high lighted are books that I have read before.
all tittles makred with an ( * ) are devotions for couples/marriage.
all tittles that are underlined are book I am currently reading.}
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment - Jermiah Burrough
Desiring God - John Piper
The War Against Boys (How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men) - Christina Hoff-Sommers
Becoming a Titus Two Woman - Martha Peace
Passion and Purity - Elizabeth Elliot
The Princess and the Kiss - Jennie Bishiop
Before You Meet Prince Charming - Sarah Mally
Her Hand in Marriage - Douglas Wilson
*The Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husband's Vision - Douglas Wilson
Verses of Virtue - author unknown
Let Me Be a Woman - Elizabeth Elliot
*Passionate Housewives Desperate for God - Jennie Chancey & Stacy MacDonald
So Much More - Anna Sofia & Elizabeth Bothin
Hidden Art - Edith Schaiffer
*Home Making - J.R. Miller
*The Excellent Wife - Martha Peace
Art and the Bible - Francis Schaeffer
Art for Gods Sake - Philp Graham Ryken
Come Thirsty -
Traveling Light - }Max Lucado
Next Door Savior -
A Company of Swans - Eva Ibbotson
A Great and Terrible Beauty -
The Sweet Far Thing - }Libba Bray
Rebel Angels -
All Books By Jane Austin
Satisy My Thirsty Soul - Linda Dillow
In Christ Alone - Sinclair B. Ferguson (love the first name! so uncommon)
When Darkness Will Not Lift - John Piper
*Walking Together - Cynthia & Jack Heald
*Loving Your Husband - Cynthia Heald
*Astead Fast Love - Elyse Fitzpatrick
*The Marriage You've Always Wanted - Gary Chapman
*Called Together - Steve & Mary Porkopchak
*Getting Ready for Marriage - Jerry D. Hardin
*Before You Say "I Do". - H. Norman Wright
*A Hand Book for Engaged Couples - Alice Fryling
*Capture His Heart - Lysa Terkeurst
(there will be more added soon!)
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