Friday, January 28, 2011

"And He Said 'Peace...Be Still' and the storm was calmed!"

 I think that is one of my favorite lines from the Bible. "Peace...Be Still".
 I use that line very often with my own heart, mind and sole! I'm such a worry wort, and very much a nervous Nellie!! That I often catch myself thinking, "What if...? What might...? Who will...? When is...? Am I...?" and I find myself almost in a panic attack! I can't sleep, sometimes I can't eat, and I just can't think straight! I feel like my sole is the rolling sea in a viscous storm of trial and turmoil, and thought.
 I often lie in bed and pray with tears in my eyes for peace. For my restless heart to be still in the presence of the Lord so that I may hear Him, and so that I may converse with Him and share with Him my lot. Sometimes I can feel myself calm right away, and other times it takes a while, like after I go through/do something. I know that if we pray for patience, God will put us in a situation that calls for us to be patient. So maybe if when I pray for peace, God gives me something to do that will require me to have a peaceful heart or will result in peace.
 All I know is, I've not been very peaceful lately. I've been on edge and emotional. I've not been thankful for the things I have, just worrying about the things I need or will need to get soon. I've not had a full conversation with God in a while. I've been so wrapped up in me, and wedding, and stuff that I've forgotten to praise God for what He has given me. A wedding to plan for, a new life with someone to share it with. A husband who is my best friend.
 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." Philippians 4:6
 That verse is taped to the inside of my laptop. so every time I open it to get on Face Book to complain about something (just as a joke of course) or to look something up that I know I can never have, I see it and stop and think and pray!!
 I am very thankful for all that God has given me and my family. A house to live in, clothes to wear, food to eat, a yard for animals, a garden every spring, a family, friends, LOVE!
 I am a happy person. I just hit a low sometimes. And those times are times of stress and such things. But it's nothing time and prayer can't fix.
 This time of low mostly happens in the winter. Usually around this time. Late January and in to March. I'm just ready for sunshine, warmth and dirt and grass between my toes. Being cooped up in the house all winter is not something I look forward to every fall. I love being outside, love just being surrounded by Gods creation and beauty. Listening to nature, and just being at peace. I know that this Spring will bring promise.
 A bigger garden, more garden boxes, more to do. I will be looking at and planing how to set up my wedding in my front yard, and going out and sitting on top of the chicken coop roof with my beloved watching the sunset. Climbing trees with my niece, maybe going to English riding/jumping lessons at a friends riding stables. I want to enjoy life as God intended. And if that means no college and just a part time job... Then so be it. I just want to uphold my God! And that shall bring Peace to my heart.
 I try to bring peace to every one I know. I try to be patent, and calm. I try. And that's all I can do in this crazy stress filled world. I know life is not just laying in the hammock all day sipping on an iced coffee in the sun. But it can be at the right times. Ecc... "There is a time and reason for every thing under the Heavens..." (in my own words) I love that Chapter and verse. It tells me that it's ok to cry sometimes. It's ok to get frustrated. It's OK! Because God knows when to put those times in your life. He puts you in a time of sorrow (I'm sure) when He feels you are just seeing only the Happy and Good in life. When in reality, you need to know there is grief and sadness. And maybe when that happens it will motivate you to see a cause that needs help, or to just appreciate what God has given you. This verse also tells me that God has a plan for you. There is a reason you are here. And if you feel you are going through Hell, just look up. Because God and Heaven are not far away. Just pause your life for one minute, or even just a second, and pray. And you'll see. Every thing will start to fall in place.
 I know that spring and warm weather are coming. So I'll just keep praying for those I love, and keep looking up. Peace will come. And it will be so sweet, because it will be worth the wait.
 I hope all is well with you, I may not know you but I pray for you. I pray that you find peace in God. And that, in Him, the weather will always be warm and comforting!
 God Bless.

Friday, January 21, 2011


 Well I have some new tittles to add to my book list!!
And here they are.                    
 {note: all tittles with a strike through are finished books.
           all tittles that are high lighted are books that I have read before.
           all tittles makred with an ( * ) are devotions for couples/marriage.
           all tittles that are underlined are book I am currently reading.}

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment - Jermiah Burrough
Desiring God - John Piper
Boy Meets Girl - Josh Harris
The War Against Boys (How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men) - Christina Hoff-Sommers
Becoming a Titus Two Woman - Martha Peace
Passion and Purity - Elizabeth Elliot
The Princess and the Kiss - Jennie Bishiop
Before You Meet Prince Charming - Sarah Mally
Her Hand in Marriage - Douglas Wilson
*The Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husband's Vision - Douglas Wilson
I Kissed Dating Good Bye - Josh Harris
Verses of Virtue - author unknown
Let Me Be a Woman - Elizabeth Elliot
*Passionate Housewives Desperate for God - Jennie Chancey & Stacy MacDonald
So Much More - Anna Sofia & Elizabeth Bothin
Hidden Art - Edith Schaiffer
*Home Making - J.R. Miller
*The Excellent Wife - Martha Peace
Art and the Bible - Francis Schaeffer
Art for Gods Sake - Philp Graham Ryken
Come Thirsty -
Traveling Light -          }Max Lucado
Next Door Savior -
A Company of Swans - Eva Ibbotson
A Great and Terrible Beauty -
The Sweet Far Thing -             }Libba Bray     
Rebel Angels -
All Books By Jane Austin
Satisy My Thirsty Soul - Linda Dillow
Calm My Anxious Heart - Linda Dillow
In Christ Alone - Sinclair B. Ferguson (love the first name! so uncommon)
When Darkness Will Not Lift - John Piper
*Walking Together - Cynthia & Jack Heald
*Loving Your Husband - Cynthia Heald
*Astead Fast Love - Elyse Fitzpatrick
*The Marriage You've Always Wanted - Gary Chapman
*Called Together - Steve & Mary Porkopchak
*Getting Ready for Marriage - Jerry D. Hardin
*Before You Say "I Do". - H. Norman Wright
*A Hand Book for Engaged Couples - Alice Fryling
*Capture His Heart - Lysa Terkeurst
(there will be more added soon!)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good Ol' Fashioned

 Hi, I'm Caitlynn, (hi caitlynn)... Hi. And I'm addicted to old fashioned things!
Things like, tea cups, dressers, clothes, dishes, fabric, sheet music, books, cooking ware, and the like!
 I especially old farm houses with BIG barns, BIG yards, and lots and lots and lots of room to move and grow.
 This was in my dream last night. I was talking to a bunch of people. And I was telling them how much I love antique things.
I just recently (last night) put in a new head and foot board for my bed. It's a bit bigger than my room but I don't care. It's beautiful and antique. I can't wait till dad puts in the new support bar down the middle so I can sleep on it. (I've been sleeping on the floor.) I also found some new pretty old fashioned sheets and pillow cases at the thrift store today too. I love finding old things. I get so happy when I find something old. (HA... something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue!!)
 I also found some old dishes today. They are just darling. The are Stone Wear, and have strawberries painted on them. I brought them home and when my mom saw them she said, "I'll pay you for them!" and she wasn't kidding! I didn't really buy them for me for my hope chest, but I bought them to use. Maybe I'll find another set to put in my hope chest to use in my new kitchen in the very near future!
 I already have some I bought at Wal*Mart and they are very pretty but I would love, LOVE some antique ones too. I am on the look out for table cloths and curtains. I'm looking for tea cups, vases, frames, and paintings. Just about anything I can use in my new home. And Wedding.
 I plan on having a VERY old fashioned wedding. Like 1950's style. I love to swing dance so that's the thyme.

 I'm a good old fashioned farm girl. I love to get dirty in the garden. I love to be barefoot. I love to grow things and use them in the kitchen. So no matter where my fiance' and I move, we WILL have a garden. Even if it's a window box with a few herbs and tomatoes. I will find a way to plant my garden.
 I've always dreamed of living on a farm. With a two story house and a huge barn or maybe a barn with a few out buildings. The house will have an attic, a cellar, and a wrap around porch. A 360* view of the farm. A big garden. And Lots of room to move and grow. The barn will have many lofts. One that goes all the way across, and then some plat forms that go up to the highest point. All of the out buildings will be for different things. One for the garden stuff. One for the tractor and all those things. One for the chickens (bantams) and one for the craft studio!
 I think the whole yard will be fenced in and then divided into smaller parts. A part for the animals, a part for the garden, and a part for the kids to run around. There will be more but those will come with time.
 I love old fashioned things because I'm old fashioned in my ways and way of thinking!


Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Planing is now underway!

 Well I can now say that my fieance' and I have a date set! October 20, 2012.
Only 22 months from this one. (SIGH) I just still can't believe I'm planing a wedding. MY WEDDING! It all feels like a dream to me. Here I am turning 20 in just 3 1/2 weeks and still wanting to color in coloring books and play polly pocket with my niece and just sit in my room and listen to music like I'm 12! Oh goodness.
 Don't get me wrong I'm very happy and Very excited about all of this but at the same time I keep thinking I missed something. But I don't know what. Hmmm.
 Well anyways. Planing is underway. We have the date set, the wedding party all figured out, now we just need a guest list and place. And that's the majority of the planing. All that will be left will be Dresses, Suits, flowers/decorations, and cake/food.
 Well we definitely have time. All I'm worried about whether he can focus on school. I know I wouldn't be able to. I guess that's something I can help with and pray about. I just want to make sure he does what he wants to do. And that he gets what he wants. Like a job where he can do what he is going to school for. And live where it would be convent and close to his work. I'll get a job close to where we live also. Maybe work in a cafe' if we are close to one or a department store. Just part time work.
 I have all of these thoughts running through my mind 24-7 and it's starting to drive me crazy. I can't sleep sometimes. But they are all good thoughts. Good because they are about us. Where WE are going to live, where WE are going to get jobs. Stuff like that.
 Well that is all that is on my mind today. I'll have more to come. Trust me there is allot to think about.
Have a blessed day.
 ~*With Love, Prayers, and Blessings*~
              A. Caitylnn P.(G)