Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summer Reading...

Well I know I will be busy this summer with the garden boxes and work and camp and what not, But there is always time to read right?!

 So I was looking at some blogs that I like to read and I saw that one had a reading list. I looked at the titles and I liked the was some of them sound so I wrote them down and made my own Summer Reading List!
 Maybe You would like to read along with me....
  • Boundaries in Dating. By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend This was a very good book!
  • *Boundaries Face to Face. How to Have That Difficult Conversation You've Been Avoiding: With Your Spouse, Adult Child, Boss, Coworker, Best Friend, Parent, or Someone You're Dating. By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
  • How to Find a Date Worth Keeping. By Dr Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend I will have to get this one again. I ran out of time to read it.
  • Art and the Bible. By Francis Schaeffer
  • The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. By Jermiah Burrough
  • Desiring God. By John Piper
  • Art for Gods Sake. By Philip Grahm Ryken
  • *Boy Meets Girl. By Joshua Harris
  • I kissed Dating Good Bye. by Joshua Harris (will read again)
  • Not Even A Hint.(A Study Guide for Young/Weman). By Joshuah Harris
  • The War Against Boys- How Misguiding Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. By Christina Hoff -Sommers
  • Becoming a Titus 2 Woman. By Martha Peace
  • Passion and Purity. By Elizabeth Elliot
  • Let Me Be A Woman. By Elizabeth Elliot
  • The Beauty of Modesty. By David and Diane Vaughan
  • The Princess and the Kiss. By Jennie Bishop (yes I know it's a child's book but it has such a great message in it and it's so cute!)
  • Before You Meet Prince Charming. By Sarah Mally
  • Her Hand In Marriage. By Douglas Wilson
  • The Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husbands Vision. By Douglas Phillips
  • Verses of Virtue. Arther Unknown (by me)
  • Passionate Housewives Desperate for God. By Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald
  • So Much More. By Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Bothin
*currently reading

I made my boyfriend read I Kissed Dating Good Bye so he knew where I was coming from when we first started dating. My friend let me read her copy after I had broke up with my ex and after reading the book My mind was wide open! I was able to (some what) trust guys and my self again and not feel all awkward around them. So that is why I made my BF read it. So he knew what I was talking about and so we could set up boundaries in our relationship with each other! It's a great book if you want to meet guys but not date them because it just has a whole lot of truth in it!

There will be more book to come to keep checking in and read along with me! It will be a great way to spend summer evenings or just an afternoon after church or during lunch! So read along and enjoy Gods blessings known as Books!!

Have a wonderful and Blessed day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today is Wednesday!

So today is Wednesday. Just another day to you but to me it's a day off. Sure I still have to go to school, but I don't have to work tonight, and I can go to Bible study with my friend this evening!
 I like Wednesdays when the sun is out and the weather is great! Today I think after I get done with school and running around town and putting gas in the van I'm going to go home and help my momma set up her blog and show her how to put up some pictures and then go riding!
 I'm going bare back again and maybe try a trot. Just a little one because last year when I rode Lexus bare back for the first time I had her go into a trot and she kind of spazed out and threw me across the paddock!! But I got right back up dusted off my pants and back and got right back on. But then she got this crazy idea that if she throws me enough I might stop getting on her back. So she threw me once more!! So again I got up dusted off checked for broken bones, and got right back on! She tried again but I stopped her this time and grabbed a handfull of hair and held on and jerked the bit in her mouth and she stopped and just stood there!
 She did good last time I rode her. She wanted to trot, but I kept her at a walk for the time.

Saturday will be a good day too!
 There will be a counselor meeting at the campgrounds where I help out every summer and I am taking my little sister and her friend and my boyfriend is coming up in the morning to go with us. It will be an all day thing so I'm excited. I love camp so much. It's where I first heard Gods voice. It was so powerful that I just broke down and cried at campfire! This is such a great memory for me. I invited my boyfriend to help out this year because I wanted to show him what this camp means to me and how much it has changed my life and how much closer to God I am when I am there!
 He's not sure if he can make it because of work and all but I'm really praying that he can because it would mean so much to me to share this part of my life with him.

Work is going well for me. Just a lot of walking and small talk. (I don't like small talk) I am enjoying being outside alot. It's better than an office job, but doesn't pay as well. I just got my first pay check and it wasn't as much as I thought it would be but that's ok. My bank account is getting bigger and that is all I'm asking for! Well that's all for today! Blessings!

  Caitydid! <3's

Monday, April 12, 2010


Oh How I love Warm Weather!!
 Yesterday was about 72* and perfict!
I went to church with my boyfriend and his family and it was good service. There was a new speaker there who (he and his wife) are wanting to start their own church! So the Pasture asked him to speak! It was really amazing! He jumped around a lot but he was a really good and passionate speaker!! I liked him alot. I will him and his wife the best of luck!

 After church we (my boyfriend and I) went back to his house for lunch. (After stoping at StarBucks!)
When we got home no one was there yet so, we had to take the dog (just a small lap dog) out and so I grabbed her leash and went out the door! We walked walked around the yard for alittle and were met by the other two dogs my boyfriends family owns, and we took a hike in their woods that is part of their yard! I loved that because I love to be outside and I love the woods.
 It was a great day even tough I could only be with him for a little while (I had to work at four and he had to go back to school) It was a great day!!

 The other day I rode my quater horse bare back! It was fun even though she did not do what I wanted her to do. All she did was make a big circle and stand at the gate hoping I would get off her back but I made her turn a tight circle and few times and made her WALK around the paddock. The reason I say WALK like that is because I'm alittle scared that if I try to trot her she may buck me off like she did three times last year! So I'm taking things slow. Just a walk for a week or so then move on to a walk/trot. Then maybe I'll try to canter bare back!! That would be so much fun!!! But let me tell you after about an hour riding, my legs felt like JELLY! They still hurt! Oh My Goodness do my legs hurt!! I'm going to try to ride in the mornings now because I have to go to school at 12:30 and work right after that (four fifteen to close) so there is no time to ride in the evenings because it's too dark when I get home.
 So I'm going to try to wake up early (six thirty seven'ish) and feed early and try to ride before lunch!
We'll see!

 Well My mother is asking to get on the computer now so I will go and finsh my lunch!

I pray that God Blesses your day with sunshine and warm weather!!
 With Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Well today is another beautiful day! The sun is shining and the wind is blowing. I have to go to work today but I'll be outside all evening so I can just soak in the Son!
 God has truly blessed us with this nice weather this week. Though chilly at times it is a blessing to see the sun. Easter was a nice day. Mom had to work till two and after she got home we left for our grandparents.
 There we gatherd with My oldersister and her husbond and my niece. My Grandma, Grandpa, Mom's brother and his girlfirend.
 It was a nice day. Dinner Lots of Desserts and Playing egg hunt!!
When we got home that evening I was soo tired from chasing my niece around the yard that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pellow. It was a great day to remember the Wonderful Gift God has givin us and to remember How He Died for our sins!
 I have been singing a lot lately.
That seems to happen a lot this time of year. My heart is joyful for the weather and my soul just wants to PRAISE GOD with the beautiful voice he has givin me. Also about this time of month/year is when my dad and I feel a little down because the last weekend of March marks the anniversory of my Grandpa Toneys' death. He is my dad's dad and he was my best friend. My dad tends to get a little grumpy because he is sad I just get a little depressed. It happens every year so we learn to cope. I miss him greatly.
 he died when I was four in a half years old. I believe he was 75 when he passed. I still miss him like he died just yesterday. But now He is with my Father in Heaven along with other relitives.
 Well that is about all I have to say today. I'll write more when I remember.
I pray that God Blesses Whom Ever is Reading This. And I Pray That We May Meet In another Time and Blessed Place!!
 With Love and Blessings,
Caity! <3