Thursday, May 30, 2013

Between a Rock and a Hard Place,

 We've all heard the saying, "Between a Rock and A Hard Place," I know I have. But I never really understood the meaning. Until Now.
 As you know My Darling Husband Chris, is looking for a job. He has a Bar-tending job, but that wont pay the bills. So he has been going to a lot of interviews, on of which was in Columbus. He went in, charmed them, went back for a second interview and got the job. He has a week to let them know if he really wants the job. And he does.
 So that means moving. Moving from the place where I am most comfortable, close to my friends and family, and going 2 1/2 hours north. That is the Rock I'm up against, but my hard place is, I'm His Wife.
 Ruth 1:16 "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay." 
I know that verse is Ruth talking to her Mother-in-Law, But it also applies to marriage.
 If Chris wants the job in Columbus, then he will take the job. If he moves, I have to move. But I don't want to move. I hate moving, I hate change! I don't like big cities, I have no car, I would have no way to get around unless I walk and that is not going to go well living in a city. Now I know we wont live on Main Street above convenience store that gets robbed every night. Or next to a meth lab. Chris will find a decent place for us, but I just don't want to go. Lord I don't want to go.

Chris has two interviews today in other places that are about the same as the job in Columbus, but he is really leaning towards that one.

Last night I stayed up and cried and prayed. I don't know what to do. I want him to have a job he will like and that will pay our bills and put food in our kitchen, but I don't want to go.
 If we move I will have to find a full time job somewhere, and that will be very hard for me. We can't live on one pay check. Not if the apartment we get is almost $700.00 a month. I have never wanted to have a full time job. That was not my plan after getting married. My plan was, Get married, Work a part time job til we were caught up enough, start an online business selling my crafts, then having some kids, then maybe one day, moving to a farm, living happily ever after.
 But...    Proverbs 16:9 "A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps."
 I made my plans, and God is taking me another way. 

I'm Stuck Between a Rock, wanting my husband to have a good job to provide for his family, and a Hard Place, not wanting to follow him but live my own dreams.
 As I type this I am crying, I don't know what to do. I have to move if he moves, but it will not make me happy. This little apartment on Main St. with the noisy traffic and bakery smells has finally started to feel like a home to me. And it's getting taken away from me. 

 After taking a few minutes to think, cry, pray, and read this over... 
I'm being very selfish. Very Selfish!!

 If Chris wants the Job in Columbus, he can take it. I will move with him if I have to. No I will not be very happy at first, but I will be okay. Moving will not kill me and I have to look at it as God Has A Plan For Me, Him, US there! Maybe we could get an apartment with a balcony, where we can put a table and chairs and some potted plants and have Breakfast Au Fresco. Or maybe a small house, with two bedrooms, and a small yard where I can put in a small garden. I have to look at the bright side of this. 
 This will be a fresh start for us. Chris and I have been fighting a bit lately, and maybe this job will be our saving grace. Maybe with the extra money he makes we can get a second car, I'll get a job, save up the money, open a second savings account, and maybe even start our family.
 "Oh Lord, Thy Will Be Done!"
I'm Putting This In Gods Hands Now!
 If Chris Takes this job, then he takes it and God will provide. If he takes the job else where, Then God Will Provide!!
 No I'm not too happy about not knowing what will happen, where I will be living in the next month, but God will help us. He has always brought us though the storms of our lives, He will guide us though this one.

 "I'm Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place, But I some room to move." ;)

Prayers are needed, Love is accepted, Guidance is Welcomed.

 Many Blessings to you and thanks for listening (reading)


Monday, May 27, 2013

Praise The Lord,

 Yes, Praise Him!
My Darling Husband, Chris, Has a job! He is bar-tending at a Country Club and is loving it. We did bar-tending school over Christmas Break and ever sense he has been looking for a job and now he has it. He is driving about 45 mins to get there, but the tips he makes is enough to pay for gas. I'm so happy for him. Now if only I could find a second job...
 Well I do have something.....
I will be selling my crafts at The Little Red Hen Shop, my momma sells some of her stuff there, like her soap and crocheted dish/wash rags. I'm very excited about this. I'll be one step closer to maybe starting up an online boutique like I have always wanted to do. If you are near the area you will have to stop by. Momma is going to be Featured for the month of June. I'll be there with her.

 Well other than jobs, life here in our little apartment is about the same. I've been sewing like crazy, and enjoying the cooler days. Right now I've got the living room windows open and some clothes on the drying rack, drinking some sweet tea, waiting for my darling husband to come home.
 It's a nice evening. It's also quite here in our little town. And I like it.
Last night, I got to go out with some friends from our Young Married Couples Sunday School Class, to the Taste of Cincinnati. I kind of felt like the third wheel not having Chris with me, but I had fun. Got to try some yummy things. I really liked the chocolate dipped strawberries! I've been wanting fresh from the garden strawberries for a while now, but these were not too bad. Just right on a warm evening.
 I went home this past week to work on my crafts for ~*Caitydid*Creations*~ and to help momma with her stuff to sell. It was a good week. I also stayed at my oldersisters to baby sit. I was way beyond worn out when the weekend was over. My niece and nephew were wild things, but I had fun. I can't wait to have my niece over for sleep overs this summer. We will do lots of girrly things. Like get our hair done, go shopping and play dress up. Watch movies and eat popcorn. I can't wait. :)

 Oh, goodness. Life here has felt as if it's slowed almost to a stop, but at the same time, feel as if I can't keep up. It's almost been a whole year sense our wedding. But I feel like it was just last week I was still planning. One full year and so much yet not alot has happened. We are still in our little one room apartment, still working at the college, no little ones yet. But yet, we have had so many first holidays, car accidents, outings, dates. It's been a crazy rollercoaster, this year has. Let me tell you. Marriage is not for the weak of heart. Ups, Downs, loop de loops, curve balls, enough money one day, no money the next, hugs and kisses one night, fights and sleeping on the couch the next. But you know what?!
 I wouldn't trade my life for any other. I love being a wife. I get the chance to support my husband and he supports me. The love we share will never be replaced. God has truly Blessed us, and I am so Thankful. Thank You Lord. Thank You.

 I hope you are enjoying your life. Many Blessings,

Friday, May 17, 2013


In a Skillet, 2 chicken breasts, pan seared. Add half a bag of frozen spinach (let it cook a bit on low) then add some fettuccine sauce, then some diced tomatoes. Let it all simmer til it bubbles. (not too long) Turn burner off, add some mozzarella cheese, and some parmesan throw some more tomatoes on top. DINNER!! (I only had two chicken breasts left but this could easily make dinner for 4-6. :) Made it up on the fly!

How about Dessert!?! :)

Preheat oven to 500* 2C.apFlour, 1T Baking Powder, 11/2t. salt, 3T Sugar, 1 stick unsalt butter cut in to little pats put in freezer. 3/4C Butter Milk. Combine Dry Ing. Cut in Butter from freezer. Add Buttermilk mix til all combined. Turn out onto floured counter. Knead a few times. Add Frozen Berries. I did 3 handfulls. Knead, Grab small dough ball, place in buttered Cast Iron Skillet, make sure all dough is used and covers the pan, you want it kind of thick. Bake 500* 8-15 mins. About half way, brush melted butter on tops and sides of biscuits, and drizzle some honey on top, finish baking. Let stand 5-10 mins, Serve warm! So Good, I took a bite and said, "OH MY GOSH! THIS IS GOOD!!!!"

Hope you enjoy! :)

 Many Blessings this beautiful evening.


Thursday, May 09, 2013

Good Morning!!

It's a beautiful pre-summer day. I'm up early, and waiting on my coffee and doing some yoga in the morning sun coming through my living room windows.

 I work today at 11:00 am, and I'm not sure when I'll be home. But I am happy to have at least this one job this summer. My Darling Husband has been laid off for the month of May so he is a very busy bee trying to get a second job that may lead into a better (paying) full time job. I'm still working at the college, setting up, serving at, and cleaning up banquets. There are not as many this year as there were last, but I'm happy to still have some paying hours.
 I'm also happy to have some days off too, I'll be going home some, to help momma in the garden and with her soap business. I'm also cranking out some home made stuff myself!!
 Caity's Home Made Concoctions will be rolling into business soon!
I'll be making Little Guy Neck Ties,

 Coffee Cozies,

 & Little Girrly Head Bands. I'll be branching out to make more things as well but in time.
 I can't wait to start an online business with Momma! It will be so much fun. We have always talked about doing it and now with her selling her soap and homemade do-dads at the shop, she is really taking off, I just have to catch up a bit. We are going to make a small dream come true.
 Things here in the apartment on Main St, are about the same. Wake up, drink coffee, check email, facebook, my darling wakes up, get ready for work (if I work that day) read, sew, crochet while watching a movie during lunch... about the same. Just different work hours now.
 I'm not going to complain about work, lack of, or too much. I'm content where I am right now. Yes there is always that deep down secret, not so secret, wish of having more money to get a bigger place and setting up a savings account for future little ones when they come around, but for now I'm content. Nothing wrong with that. We are happy, we have food, bills and rent are getting paid, so no worries. God will provide.
 Well my friend(s) it was nice Chatting with you. Until we meet again,
Many Blessings.
