So, My Easter Weekend started on Friday.
My Darling and I went to his moms house for dinner. It was a very good dinner and I had a blast playing with my (New) Cousins Baby Girl. She is soooo cute! I can't wait to have my own little ankle bitters.
Also, On Saturday, I went to my Best Friends (all of my friends are my best friends btw!) Wedding Shower! It was fantastic. We talked, ate way too much chocolate, and just had fun. I can't wait for the wedding.
Then Saturday night My Darling and I went to one of his friends house and had a great dinner, and some nice drinks and played mario cart into the wee hours of the morning.
Easter Sunday, we woke up at 8:00 am to get ready for the 9:00 am Church service then get everything ready to head out to my grandmas for Easter Lunch. My dad, older sister and her family came over as well. Momma and little sister were home sick.
For their Easter Baskets from their Aunt, I gave my niece and nephew a homemade gift. My niece got a skirt,
She was very happy about it and thought it was so darn cute.
And my nephew got a tie,
He looked Adorable in it. I can't wait to make more!
We also had a Surprise Birthday Party for My Grandpa Jack (69 But is so active and rotten at times. I love him so much) |
My nephew sharing with his grandma. |
"Whats in Your basket Sissy?" |
They romped for so long I was getting tired! |
Busy and her new hair cut and missing teeth. |
His Tie turned out so cute! And he kept it on almost all day! :) |
Today is My Mommas Birthday. I'm so very thankful she is my mommy. I couldn't have asked for a better mom. She has taught me so much and is still teaching me. I can't wait to see her on days I visit, and miss her so much when I'm away. But I can always feel her love, and I always think of her and pray for her. I love my momma, and I'm so very thankful she is my mom!
It's Monday morning, and I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and sitting in the sunshine ready for spring and warm weather. I'm ready to start planting a vegetable and herb garden, and getting things made and put away for Christmas, I really want to get a head start on it this year so I can save some time and money. And I'm just ready to go outside with out a coat and boots. I just want to say, "I'm going for a walk!" and just walk right out the door, no coat, no boots and making sure I'm layered up enough. Just shorts or skirt and a tee shirt and flip flops. Warm Spring just can't get here fast enough.
But I guess for now, I'll just sit here, drink my coffee and wait.
Many Blessings to you.
~*Arielle Caitlynn~*