Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Wedding Ideas!!

 So I have so many Pictures from Google and the like, I thought I might share some with you.


My Lilac Bouquet.

My Veil 

My Hair

Where we will say "I Do"

Our "First Kiss" at Sunset.

Leading the way to the Reception 

The Moon Lit, Out Door Reception 

Our Cake
Loves True Kiss Cake topper (idea)

Loves Embrace Willow Tree Cake Topper (another idea) 
The Next cake toppers are some Fun Ideas we have been thinking over. :) Enjoy and don't feel bad if you giggle at them. I do.

I love the Top One. My sister says that it even looks like My Darling and Me! <3's

I love looking up wedding ideas. It makes me feel so happy and excited. I can't wait. But then I wont want it to end. Sigh........ Only 272 Days. (or 9 months) wow...........

 many Prayers and Blessings.


Friday, September 16, 2011

It's getting cold...

 Well my friends, It's fall. Though the "first day of fall" has not yet been upon us, it's getting cold, the leaves are changing color, and the harvest is done. So to me it is fall.

 I love fall. I love the colors of the leaves. The smell of the leaves on the ground and I also love,

 Trick-or-Treat was one of my favorite nights of the year because you go to dress up and play make believe with thousands of other kids and people, then you got FREE CANDY! what little kid does not like free candy!?! I did.

 Yes I know that Halloween comes to us from the pagans, druids, and Celts. But I never looked at it that way. I looked at it from the prospective of a child. I loved playing dress up (still do) and I loved walking around looking at all the different costumes and guessing who there were and were supposed to be, and getting free candy.

 It's like I told my darling one day as we were out on a date, I told him it's not like my sisters and I said a prayer of thanks to the devil for our sweets!! No we wanted to play pretend. That's all.

 I'm not a big fan of those out there who look down on my family for going out trick-or-treating. I think that's wrong. I don't look down on them for having a Christmas tree, (psst... which was brought to us by the pagans!) 
 They let their kids play dress up. How is that any different from dressing in a costume? Yes I do understand that some of the costumes and a tad bit questionable, like the mini skirts for the little girls and the gruesome masks for the boys. Those I tend to stay away from. Yes I was a witch for almost every Halloween of my youth, but I was a good witch. I did't try to scare the kids. If they jumped and ran when I jumped out of the bushes AFTER they got their candy, well then they were just jumpy! ;)  

 All I'm trying to say here is that I, me, myself, Love Halloween. This year I would like to maybe have a bon-fire and make it a costume party as well. I'm planning on being a Gypsy or maybe Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas and my darling can be Jack The Pumpkin King! or what ever. :)

 I'm very open minded. I did a religion study, and learned about all the different religions of the world including some of Wicca, and Cults. Just so I can understand the world around me. Understand how to tell these people about why I love Jesus and God. That's all. I just like knowing and understanding, why. 

  Well, I have some news!

Last week I bought my Wedding Dress!
About three days after that it came in the Mail!!!
I would love to post some pictures but I dont' know if my darling reads my blog or not. And I don't want him to see it just yet. 
But it's perfect. White Strapless, tea length. With a Lilac ribbon on it. It's a 1950's vintage dress.
I'm very happy with it.
It does need to be taken in a bit but I know of some people/places that can do that. :)
Now I just need some shoes for the ceremony and I'll be all set!
For my jewelry I plan on wearing the purl necklace my darling got me when he was in China. 
And some purl and diamond earrings.
Oh, I'm so excited for the wedding! Only Nine Months from today.
There is still some planning to do.
Guest list, Booking the Camp Ground, Food (what would we like to serve and where to get it.), D.J. Decorations!
It's going to be fun.

With many warm, thoughtful Prayers,

"I have found the One Whom My Soul LOVES!"
Song of Solomon 3:4

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beloved Father, and our souls.

“For God Made Everything Beautiful In It’s Own Time.” Ecc. 3:11

This is one of my favorite Bible verses. It tells me that God has a plan for everything. And even though we may feel ugly to the world one day, you will be beautiful soon.

 When I was growing up, I always felt like the ugly duckling of the family. My older sister was Beautiful. My little sister was adorable. I was not. My hair always seemed to be stringy, I had acne, and my clothes did not fit me well. I felt like I would never grow to be a pretty as my sisters and mother. But once I hit 16, I grew in to my looks. I found clothes that fit and flattered my small figure, and I learned how to care for my skin and hair more.
 “…In It’s Own Time…”
I just had to wait on God. For once I started to build my relationship with Him, I started to see how He sees me. And I stopped caring about what others thought of me. I started to care about what God thought of me, and I found out that He thinks the World of me. I’m the apple of His eyes.
 Once I started growing in God, Others started to see as a pretty girl.
Because I found my inner beauty, that showed to the outside. Then I hit 17, and I saw the beautiful world around me and All the beauty that God has given us, and I fell in love with the world. And that love spread to everyone around me.

 A few months ago, I went to a street fair with one of my best friends, and my darling met us there. When he met us he had a bunch of crazy daisies for me. They were so beautiful. As we walked around, this little girl with bright red curls saw the flowers and told her momma how pretty they were. So I gave her a flower. Her momma said that was very sweet of me, and I told her that God made beautiful things and Beauty was meant to be shared. My friend said that was a very Hippy thing to say, we laughed for a while after that comment.
 But it’s true. God made beautiful things. He made this world beautiful. And we are to share it with our fellow man.
 Yes there are some things of this life that are not beautiful at all. But they will be in time.

 Just like the seasons.
Spring is just as lovely as can be with all of the flowers and new life.
Summer is nice with the warm sun, and promise of a good harvest.
 Fall is Beautiful with all the colors, and cool refreshing breeze.
Winter is cold and dead. But at the same time it’s beautiful with the snow.

In time each season is beautiful in some way.
 Spring is muddy, but once the mud dries and the flowers bud it’s beautiful.
Summer is hot, and dry. But then the storm’s come to bring rain and beautiful rainbows.
 Fall is cool and frosty, but the colors of the leaves and harvest and beautiful.
Winter is cold. And everything’s dead and naked. But the snow glittering in the sunlight is beautiful.

It takes time for things to happen. Bad days just don’t go away in the blink of an eye.
 Sadness, anger, sleepiness, it takes time for these feelings to go away.
Sadness, you have to cry and just let it out. Anger, talk it out, and work it out. Sleepy? Take a nap or do as I do and drink some Coffee.
 Ugly moods make ugly people. Beautiful, happy moods make lovely, happy people.
So not only did God make you Look beautiful, He also made you to feel beautiful.
If you wake up and just feel like it’s going to be a bad day, take a second to look to God for guidance and strength. Say a quick prayer. Listen to happy music. Eat something for breakfast that brings back good memories.

Last weekend I stayed with my darling and his sister. Sunday morning I woke up early, too early. I had the day off and I wanted to sleep in. So I was a tad bitter. But when my darling woke up he went in to the kitchen and made me some coffee and cinnamon toast.
 I’ve not had cinnamon toast in a long time. It reminded me of when I was little and momma would make us breakfast of orange juice and cinnamon toast. Darling told me his momma made it for them before school, or when they were sick. After breakfast I was feeling better. I had a great fellowship with my husband to be, and remembered happy times so my day was happy and Beautiful! The weather was so nice. If I were still bitter, I would have thought the weather was too windy or chilly. But I was feeling beautiful, so the day and everyone in it was beautiful.

 “For God made EVERYTHING Beautiful IN IT’S OWN TIME…”

It takes great skill, and patience to see the real beauty in this world. But even greater skill to open your eyes to it. Today all you hear is stuff about war, killing, sadness. You hardly ever hear good news on the news anymore. That make’s my soul sad. I’m tired of hearing about the dark parts of the world. God told us to “spread the good news” but that’s hard to do when the world doesn’t seem to want to hear it.
 But one day the world will be in the Light of God once more and all will be good and Beautiful.

 Outer beauty is vain. Inner beauty is smiled upon by the Grace of God. Think good thoughts of your fellow man, and say beautiful words of kindness, and you will Glow with Grace and Love.
 Think only bitter ugly things of everything and everyone, you are truly ugly in Gods eye.
If you work on your inner beauty, in time you will be Beautiful.

 “I know you came, for the Pretty and the Plain. I hear You calling out my name. I know you came for the Sinner and the Saint. And I will never be the Same.” ~the pretty and the plain- JJ Heller.

May the Grace of God shine down on you and May your every day be Beautiful In It’s Own Time.

Many Blessings,