Well My Momma has taught me alot over the years. Sometimes she never really said "This is how you do this..." No, sometimes I just watched her do something so many times, that I do it on my own.
Yesterday I bought some chicken that was on sale, and last night I was wondering what I could do with it. Well today I put the chicken in some freezer bags and seasoned the chicken and put it in the freezer for future meals.
This is something I've seen my momma do so many times. She showed this to me and my sisters once or twice and mentioned it a few times. And now thanks to her, I have meals on the ready!!!
I like freezing the chicken this way because when you thaw it out it absorbs all the good stuff and tastes sooo much better after cooking it! And surprisingly it does not take up that much room in the freezer. There are two breasts each, and that's enough for four servings. Unless you eat like my fiance and then it's just right for two! :)
Thanks Momma for teaching me so much, I love you lots!
Many Fall Blessings,
Just a woman finding her place in the world, with a little help from friends and family. Come sit and have a cup of coffee with me and lets Chat.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Taking After Momma,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A Lot Has Been Going On....
It's true, there has been a lot going on.
Almost every weekend I'm out and a bout. Either with my darling, or friends. Or, moving into my new apartment!
Yes, that's right. I'm now on my own. I'm living in a nice little town near a Christian College, the same place where my darling works and lives. I'm about three block away from him and right next to the fire department.
The place is nice. I really like it. I also like being able to walk everywhere. Right now I'm sitting in a nice little cafe' drinking some coffee and listening to some older folks talk.
I'm still kind of moving in, but that's ok I'm only 45 minutes from home, so going to get something I left behind is easy!
The reason I wanted to move, was for a change. And more room to grow. To grow personally and spiritually. My roommate isn't home all day so I get some quite time. In that time I get to listen to myself, and to God. I also wanted to be closer to more job opportunities. And it's making it easier to plan the wedding as well.
This move is also helping to ready myself for living for myself. To take care of a home, and bills, and everything I need to know to care for my home with my darling.
I've been here for four days and three nights now. I'm still getting used to living in a town. But it gets pretty quite around 10:00pm. So that's nice. The only thing is there is a lamp post right outside my window. So I need some curtains. :)
I'm very happy here. I do miss home. Like in the mornings, I miss hearing my momma and sister talking. But like I said I'm not far from home so if I ever miss them too awe-full much, I can just drive up there. :)
Almost every weekend I'm out and a bout. Either with my darling, or friends. Or, moving into my new apartment!
Yes, that's right. I'm now on my own. I'm living in a nice little town near a Christian College, the same place where my darling works and lives. I'm about three block away from him and right next to the fire department.
The place is nice. I really like it. I also like being able to walk everywhere. Right now I'm sitting in a nice little cafe' drinking some coffee and listening to some older folks talk.
I'm still kind of moving in, but that's ok I'm only 45 minutes from home, so going to get something I left behind is easy!
The reason I wanted to move, was for a change. And more room to grow. To grow personally and spiritually. My roommate isn't home all day so I get some quite time. In that time I get to listen to myself, and to God. I also wanted to be closer to more job opportunities. And it's making it easier to plan the wedding as well.
This move is also helping to ready myself for living for myself. To take care of a home, and bills, and everything I need to know to care for my home with my darling.
I've been here for four days and three nights now. I'm still getting used to living in a town. But it gets pretty quite around 10:00pm. So that's nice. The only thing is there is a lamp post right outside my window. So I need some curtains. :)
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Here is the front door of the building. There are four apartments in the building. I'm in first one. |
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This is the living room. I'm in here every night to watch tv and just chill. |
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Here is the Kitchen. I spend alot of time in here as well. |
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This is my room. I'm still moving in so it looks kind of empty. |
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The other half of my room. :) |
I'm very happy here. I do miss home. Like in the mornings, I miss hearing my momma and sister talking. But like I said I'm not far from home so if I ever miss them too awe-full much, I can just drive up there. :)
God has blessed me with this opportunity, and I will Honor Him with living it to it's fullest!!
Happy Halloween. Many Blessings.
With Love, Prayers and Blessings,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My Wedding Ideas!!
So I have so many Pictures from Google and the like, I thought I might share some with you.
The Next cake toppers are some Fun Ideas we have been thinking over. :) Enjoy and don't feel bad if you giggle at them. I do.
I love the Top One. My sister says that it even looks like My Darling and Me! <3's
I love looking up wedding ideas. It makes me feel so happy and excited. I can't wait. But then I wont want it to end. Sigh........ Only 272 Days. (or 9 months) wow...........
many Prayers and Blessings.
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Seating |
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My Lilac Bouquet. |
My Veil |
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My Hair |
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Where we will say "I Do" |
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Our "First Kiss" at Sunset. |
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Leading the way to the Reception |
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The Moon Lit, Out Door Reception |
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Our Cake |
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Loves True Kiss Cake topper (idea) |
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Loves Embrace Willow Tree Cake Topper (another idea) |
I love the Top One. My sister says that it even looks like My Darling and Me! <3's
I love looking up wedding ideas. It makes me feel so happy and excited. I can't wait. But then I wont want it to end. Sigh........ Only 272 Days. (or 9 months) wow...........
many Prayers and Blessings.
Friday, September 16, 2011
It's getting cold...
Well my friends, It's fall. Though the "first day of fall" has not yet been upon us, it's getting cold, the leaves are changing color, and the harvest is done. So to me it is fall.
I love fall. I love the colors of the leaves. The smell of the leaves on the ground and I also love,
Trick-or-Treat was one of my favorite nights of the year because you go to dress up and play make believe with thousands of other kids and people, then you got FREE CANDY! what little kid does not like free candy!?! I did.
Yes I know that Halloween comes to us from the pagans, druids, and Celts. But I never looked at it that way. I looked at it from the prospective of a child. I loved playing dress up (still do) and I loved walking around looking at all the different costumes and guessing who there were and were supposed to be, and getting free candy.
It's like I told my darling one day as we were out on a date, I told him it's not like my sisters and I said a prayer of thanks to the devil for our sweets!! No we wanted to play pretend. That's all.
I'm not a big fan of those out there who look down on my family for going out trick-or-treating. I think that's wrong. I don't look down on them for having a Christmas tree, (psst... which was brought to us by the pagans!)
They let their kids play dress up. How is that any different from dressing in a costume? Yes I do understand that some of the costumes and a tad bit questionable, like the mini skirts for the little girls and the gruesome masks for the boys. Those I tend to stay away from. Yes I was a witch for almost every Halloween of my youth, but I was a good witch. I did't try to scare the kids. If they jumped and ran when I jumped out of the bushes AFTER they got their candy, well then they were just jumpy! ;)
All I'm trying to say here is that I, me, myself, Love Halloween. This year I would like to maybe have a bon-fire and make it a costume party as well. I'm planning on being a Gypsy or maybe Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas and my darling can be Jack The Pumpkin King! or what ever. :)
I'm very open minded. I did a religion study, and learned about all the different religions of the world including some of Wicca, and Cults. Just so I can understand the world around me. Understand how to tell these people about why I love Jesus and God. That's all. I just like knowing and understanding, why.
Well, I have some news!
Last week I bought my Wedding Dress!
About three days after that it came in the Mail!!!
I would love to post some pictures but I dont' know if my darling reads my blog or not. And I don't want him to see it just yet.
But it's perfect. White Strapless, tea length. With a Lilac ribbon on it. It's a 1950's vintage dress.
I'm very happy with it.
It does need to be taken in a bit but I know of some people/places that can do that. :)
Now I just need some shoes for the ceremony and I'll be all set!
For my jewelry I plan on wearing the purl necklace my darling got me when he was in China.
And some purl and diamond earrings.
Oh, I'm so excited for the wedding! Only Nine Months from today.
There is still some planning to do.
Guest list, Booking the Camp Ground, Food (what would we like to serve and where to get it.), D.J. Decorations!
It's going to be fun.
With many warm, thoughtful Prayers,
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"I have found the One Whom My Soul LOVES!" Song of Solomon 3:4 |
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beloved Father, and our souls.
“For God Made Everything Beautiful In It’s Own Time.” Ecc. 3:11
This is one of my favorite Bible verses. It tells me that God has a plan for everything. And even though we may feel ugly to the world one day, you will be beautiful soon.
When I was growing up, I always felt like the ugly duckling of the family. My older sister was Beautiful. My little sister was adorable. I was not. My hair always seemed to be stringy, I had acne, and my clothes did not fit me well. I felt like I would never grow to be a pretty as my sisters and mother. But once I hit 16, I grew in to my looks. I found clothes that fit and flattered my small figure, and I learned how to care for my skin and hair more.
“…In It’s Own Time…”
I just had to wait on God. For once I started to build my relationship with Him, I started to see how He sees me. And I stopped caring about what others thought of me. I started to care about what God thought of me, and I found out that He thinks the World of me. I’m the apple of His eyes.
Once I started growing in God, Others started to see as a pretty girl.
Because I found my inner beauty, that showed to the outside. Then I hit 17, and I saw the beautiful world around me and All the beauty that God has given us, and I fell in love with the world. And that love spread to everyone around me.
A few months ago, I went to a street fair with one of my best friends, and my darling met us there. When he met us he had a bunch of crazy daisies for me. They were so beautiful. As we walked around, this little girl with bright red curls saw the flowers and told her momma how pretty they were. So I gave her a flower. Her momma said that was very sweet of me, and I told her that God made beautiful things and Beauty was meant to be shared. My friend said that was a very Hippy thing to say, we laughed for a while after that comment.
But it’s true. God made beautiful things. He made this world beautiful. And we are to share it with our fellow man.
Yes there are some things of this life that are not beautiful at all. But they will be in time.
Just like the seasons.
Spring is just as lovely as can be with all of the flowers and new life.
Summer is nice with the warm sun, and promise of a good harvest.
Fall is Beautiful with all the colors, and cool refreshing breeze.
Winter is cold and dead. But at the same time it’s beautiful with the snow.
In time each season is beautiful in some way.
Spring is muddy, but once the mud dries and the flowers bud it’s beautiful.
Summer is hot, and dry. But then the storm’s come to bring rain and beautiful rainbows.
Fall is cool and frosty, but the colors of the leaves and harvest and beautiful.
Winter is cold. And everything’s dead and naked. But the snow glittering in the sunlight is beautiful.
It takes time for things to happen. Bad days just don’t go away in the blink of an eye.
Sadness, anger, sleepiness, it takes time for these feelings to go away.
Sadness, you have to cry and just let it out. Anger, talk it out, and work it out. Sleepy? Take a nap or do as I do and drink some Coffee.
Ugly moods make ugly people. Beautiful, happy moods make lovely, happy people.
So not only did God make you Look beautiful, He also made you to feel beautiful.
If you wake up and just feel like it’s going to be a bad day, take a second to look to God for guidance and strength. Say a quick prayer. Listen to happy music. Eat something for breakfast that brings back good memories.
Last weekend I stayed with my darling and his sister. Sunday morning I woke up early, too early. I had the day off and I wanted to sleep in. So I was a tad bitter. But when my darling woke up he went in to the kitchen and made me some coffee and cinnamon toast.
I’ve not had cinnamon toast in a long time. It reminded me of when I was little and momma would make us breakfast of orange juice and cinnamon toast. Darling told me his momma made it for them before school, or when they were sick. After breakfast I was feeling better. I had a great fellowship with my husband to be, and remembered happy times so my day was happy and Beautiful! The weather was so nice. If I were still bitter, I would have thought the weather was too windy or chilly. But I was feeling beautiful, so the day and everyone in it was beautiful.
“For God made EVERYTHING Beautiful IN IT’S OWN TIME…”
It takes great skill, and patience to see the real beauty in this world. But even greater skill to open your eyes to it. Today all you hear is stuff about war, killing, sadness. You hardly ever hear good news on the news anymore. That make’s my soul sad. I’m tired of hearing about the dark parts of the world. God told us to “spread the good news” but that’s hard to do when the world doesn’t seem to want to hear it.
But one day the world will be in the Light of God once more and all will be good and Beautiful.
Outer beauty is vain. Inner beauty is smiled upon by the Grace of God. Think good thoughts of your fellow man, and say beautiful words of kindness, and you will Glow with Grace and Love.
Think only bitter ugly things of everything and everyone, you are truly ugly in Gods eye.
If you work on your inner beauty, in time you will be Beautiful.
“I know you came, for the Pretty and the Plain. I hear You calling out my name. I know you came for the Sinner and the Saint. And I will never be the Same.” ~the pretty and the plain- JJ Heller.
May the Grace of God shine down on you and May your every day be Beautiful In It’s Own Time.
Many Blessings,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Special Delivery!
They're Here!!! The shoes I won in May from Eco-Beautiful Weddings and HydraHeart.
They arrived when I was at the fair with my sister and friends.
They arrived when I was at the fair with my sister and friends.
The long awaited package!!! |
A lovely note! |
All wrapped up nice and pretty!!! |
I just couldn't wait! They Fit like a DREAM!!! |
Now I wear them around the inside of my house. I love them so much. |
I can't wait to wear them on Our Wedding Day! |
With Love, Prayers & Blessings,
Favorite Things,
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunshine, Sun Dresses, and Sun Tea... OH MY!
Good day to you.
Wow it's been a while. This week was fair week here and my little sister showed some chickens.
For her pin of three of meat birds, she got sixth place. Then she showed her friends Road Island Red (her own wasn't looking so good.) and got fourth place. She didn't place in showmanship but there were a lot of kids in her class.
All in all fair was good this year. Just hot!
Today I am making some Sun Tea while the sun is shinning and while wearing my sun dress.
Here's how I make it...
Start with just a pitcher of Water,
Add Two Family sized iced tea Bags,
Add a Hand Full of Fresh picked Mint, and Lemon Balm (or what ever you want to flavor your tea with)
Set in the sun for a couple of hours, Add some sweetener, I use honey,
I love sun tea. It's just so nice in a cup of ice on a hot summers day.
Today I think I'll sweeten mine with just a tad bit of sugar.
In just a week I'll be on my way to Camp to counsel and mentor. I love going to camp. It's such a wonderful experiences, I can truly feel Gods presence there. I think that's where my darling and I will get married. Maybe just depends on the dates of camp next year.
Then as soon as I get home, I have to repack and leave with my sister and our Friends to go on our girls trip to Tennessee. I can't wait!!
This is a good way to end the busy part of our summer. :)
I hope your summer is going well.
Many Loving Thoughts and Blessings from our Happy Home Homestead.
Favorite Things,
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
There's No One Like You,
Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. Dr. Seuss
I love that quote.
Today, I wondered to myself, why does no one ever understand each other? Every one makes mistakes, why judge them or ridicule them? To err is to human. So why?!?!
But then the little whisper of a voice pops into my ear and tells me..."Because they don't see and/or understand the world as you do Caitlynn. They don't know like you do. They may not be able to read peoples feelings just by looking at them like you do. Caitlynn, They are not YOU!"
And like always I respond, "God! Your are Right as Ever. They are not ME! They have not see the down side of life like I have. They don't see the Big Picture of every decision, or know that Every One Makes Mistakes. Lord you have humbled me in the realities of this life, so that I may understand what you have planed and what you will bring to us one day. You have shown the good and bad of life so I know where my way of life will fall. Lord, I thank you! Thank You for my understanding and wisdom."
And with that I can see, and understand why other people don't understand each other. Because their minds are so focused on what is right in front of them, or what has just happened. They so see beyond their own noses, or look deep within to the past lessons and mistakes.
Maybe if this world would slow down to enjoy what they have now, maybe then they will understand why the other person is the way they are.
Maybe see why this person is so carefree and just takes it easy, then that person will see why the other is so stern all the time and just wants to get it done and get it done right!
I'm very thankful for my understanding ways. I love to listen to people's stories. What their past was like, how they are now, what they want from the future! sometimes I feel like if maybe everyone would stop and listen for an hour everyday for God and his children, they will enjoy their own lives better.
Sometimes I wish there was a day out of every week where EVERY ONE just goes outside, rain, snow or shine, and just listens! Not to eachother, not to nature but just to God!
I did that when I drove to my Darlings college every Monday, every week, for an hour for swing dance lessons. I don't have a raido in my car so that was my time for God and me to talk and listen.
Then I would park, and walk all through the town to the college and spend more time with God. It really made me feel great that I talked and listened to God.
That is my biggest wish for this lost world. That they just hush for an hour every day, and listen! To God, to one another, to themselves. Truely find themselves lost in God not this life.
Maybe after reading this you will do that. It doesn't have to be an hour straight, maybe ten minutes in the shower, five minutes driving to the store... what every time you have. Like now, I am taking a few minutes to clean my room, so I'm talking and listening to God while I do that. Maybe after I'm done I'll read a passage and then have some dinner.
All in all, an hour of listening a day will do you a world of good and understanding.
Oneday we will all understand eachother. See where the other has been in life and see that everyone makes mistakes.
I'm a very understanding, passive person. I will not fight or argue unless it worth it.
If you knock a bowl of tomatoes on to the dirty floor, I'm not going to get mad. I understand, the fridge was full and tightly packed and where I put the bowl, probably was not the best spot. But we live and we learn.
If we make last minute plans, then they don't fall through I'm going to be alittle upset but oh well. Such is life. We will just plan for next week.
So there. That is my wondering for the day. I hope your day is great. :)
Many blessings,
I love that quote.
Today, I wondered to myself, why does no one ever understand each other? Every one makes mistakes, why judge them or ridicule them? To err is to human. So why?!?!
But then the little whisper of a voice pops into my ear and tells me..."Because they don't see and/or understand the world as you do Caitlynn. They don't know like you do. They may not be able to read peoples feelings just by looking at them like you do. Caitlynn, They are not YOU!"
And like always I respond, "God! Your are Right as Ever. They are not ME! They have not see the down side of life like I have. They don't see the Big Picture of every decision, or know that Every One Makes Mistakes. Lord you have humbled me in the realities of this life, so that I may understand what you have planed and what you will bring to us one day. You have shown the good and bad of life so I know where my way of life will fall. Lord, I thank you! Thank You for my understanding and wisdom."
And with that I can see, and understand why other people don't understand each other. Because their minds are so focused on what is right in front of them, or what has just happened. They so see beyond their own noses, or look deep within to the past lessons and mistakes.
Maybe if this world would slow down to enjoy what they have now, maybe then they will understand why the other person is the way they are.
Maybe see why this person is so carefree and just takes it easy, then that person will see why the other is so stern all the time and just wants to get it done and get it done right!
I'm very thankful for my understanding ways. I love to listen to people's stories. What their past was like, how they are now, what they want from the future! sometimes I feel like if maybe everyone would stop and listen for an hour everyday for God and his children, they will enjoy their own lives better.
Sometimes I wish there was a day out of every week where EVERY ONE just goes outside, rain, snow or shine, and just listens! Not to eachother, not to nature but just to God!
I did that when I drove to my Darlings college every Monday, every week, for an hour for swing dance lessons. I don't have a raido in my car so that was my time for God and me to talk and listen.
Then I would park, and walk all through the town to the college and spend more time with God. It really made me feel great that I talked and listened to God.
That is my biggest wish for this lost world. That they just hush for an hour every day, and listen! To God, to one another, to themselves. Truely find themselves lost in God not this life.
Maybe after reading this you will do that. It doesn't have to be an hour straight, maybe ten minutes in the shower, five minutes driving to the store... what every time you have. Like now, I am taking a few minutes to clean my room, so I'm talking and listening to God while I do that. Maybe after I'm done I'll read a passage and then have some dinner.
All in all, an hour of listening a day will do you a world of good and understanding.
Oneday we will all understand eachother. See where the other has been in life and see that everyone makes mistakes.
I'm a very understanding, passive person. I will not fight or argue unless it worth it.
If you knock a bowl of tomatoes on to the dirty floor, I'm not going to get mad. I understand, the fridge was full and tightly packed and where I put the bowl, probably was not the best spot. But we live and we learn.
If we make last minute plans, then they don't fall through I'm going to be alittle upset but oh well. Such is life. We will just plan for next week.
So there. That is my wondering for the day. I hope your day is great. :)
Many blessings,
Sunday, June 19, 2011
To My Daddy:
He held my Hand, helped me stand,
Guided me through life as I grew.
We built memories and stories, and shared lots of worries,
But now we live peacefuly, happly, joyfuly.
We laughed, We Cried.
Watched from the windows as the seasons died.
Now I'm a grown Woman, ready to live on my own,
But he's still teaaching me things I've never known.
He was there when I was born,
Put my heart back together when it was torn.
Embarrassed me when he got the chance,
And we will soon share a Father, Daughter dance.
Today is his day, I hope he enjoys it in his own way.
Here's to My Dad, For him I'm glad.
God gave Him a great gift of three little girls,
Who have and will always be his whole world.
Now a grandpa, with a grand daughter to have a ball.
Here's to my Father, I hope he has it all!
My gift, to him, from the start, was the very first beat of my very small heart.
Now it is bigger and beats so much louder, so full of love, still my gift from the heart.
Here's to my daddy,
With so much love.
From the second of your three daughters,
Happy Fathers Day.
I love you.
Guided me through life as I grew.
We built memories and stories, and shared lots of worries,
But now we live peacefuly, happly, joyfuly.
We laughed, We Cried.
Watched from the windows as the seasons died.
Now I'm a grown Woman, ready to live on my own,
But he's still teaaching me things I've never known.
He was there when I was born,
Put my heart back together when it was torn.
Embarrassed me when he got the chance,
And we will soon share a Father, Daughter dance.
Today is his day, I hope he enjoys it in his own way.
Here's to My Dad, For him I'm glad.
God gave Him a great gift of three little girls,
Who have and will always be his whole world.
Now a grandpa, with a grand daughter to have a ball.
Here's to my Father, I hope he has it all!
My gift, to him, from the start, was the very first beat of my very small heart.
Now it is bigger and beats so much louder, so full of love, still my gift from the heart.
Here's to my daddy,
With so much love.
From the second of your three daughters,
Happy Fathers Day.
I love you.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Summer Goals...
Every one has summer goals. Maybe they are to clean up the house and yard, or visit family who live faraway. Or maybe to just get closer to God and loved ones.
What ever they are I hope you enjoy setting them and accomplishing them. Many Blessings!
Well sense it's almost summer and every summer needs goals, I thought I would share mine with you. (I may add more later on...)
That should do it for now. Not too hard and not too easy. Doing what I need to do and only that.
I hope this inspires you to make some summer goals of your own! Many Blessings on Your summer days and summer nights.
What ever they are I hope you enjoy setting them and accomplishing them. Many Blessings!
Well sense it's almost summer and every summer needs goals, I thought I would share mine with you. (I may add more later on...)
- Get in shape. (I noticed that I'm not a very fast runner so I need to work on that.)
- Drink only Water, Sweet Tea, Milk and Orange Juice. (No Pop. Only once every other week when I'm at my darlings or when I go out with friends.)
- Start doing some Big Planning for the wedding. (Dress, Place to get married, Saving up stuff that we will need. and the like...)
- Eat more Healthy Foods. (no more junk food all the time, more like Bananas, apples, Mangos, carrots, Salids....)
- Get more Sleep. (No more staying up till 3:00am!!!)
- Wake up early! (shouldn't be too much of a problem sense I have to wake up for work!)
- Drive less. (Only to work, even then leave early and run errands or go to town right after work. and to and from my darlings.)
- Take Lots Of Pictures! (again shouldn't be too hard. ;) )
- Wear mor dresses and skirts. (it is hard work trying to be a girl in a world where gilrs wear clothes that reveal TOO much or they look like boys. I just want to show that you dont' have to show so much skin to look pretty or dress like a boy to be comfortable. Just a nice tee shirt or layer two tank tops and a nice knee length skirt that flows so it doesn't get too hot and there you go. Covered and Beautiful.)
- Save money. (I get tips at work, so I'm going to nly spend those and my pay check is going straight to my savings and checking for future expences...car, wedding, home, kids(way into the future for a while)...
That should do it for now. Not too hard and not too easy. Doing what I need to do and only that.
I hope this inspires you to make some summer goals of your own! Many Blessings on Your summer days and summer nights.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Warm Weather and Getting Caught in a Hail Storm....
Yesterday was such a beautiful day.
After a late night of being with some friends and sleeping in till the last minute and getting up for Church, My Darling and I spent the whole day together. After church we met up with my dear friend and her little girl for lunch and hung out for a long time. Then after lunch my darling and I went to the store to get me a pair of sunglasses (so my contacts would not melt to my eyes in the Hot Sun) and some sun screen. Then we went for a walk on the bike path.
As we were walking and talking, I noticed that the air was getting a bit cooler and I heard some Thunder in the distance. I saw the dark sky ahead but I felt we had time to walk to the end of the path and walk back to the car. I was Wrong!!
We get half way down the trail, (it's about a 5 mile trail maybe...) and the lightning started. I picked up the pace. Then I felt some rain drops, I went faster. Then it started pouring!! I jogged (all the while my darling was saying that it was such a bad idea going to the end of the trail! It kind of was...) Then out of no where, I get hit right smack dab between the eyes with a marble sized hail ball and I ran for it. kicked off my flip flops and sprinted for the car.
Well I'm not the best runner, I'm a bit out of shape, and the car kept getting further and further away. By the time we get to the car we where soaked! I could not catch my breath and we were covered with welts and bruises because of the storm!! But thinking on it now, it was kind of fun. It's a story we can tell every one at our wedding. :)
Well it rained and stormed off and on for a while and we were so tired.
After dinner we decided to watch a movie. But as soon as I laid my head down I was fast asleep. And did not wake up until my darling woke me up this morning to tell me that he had to go home and do home work. But even then I did not get up. I didn't get up until 10:30am. I jumped in the shower, made some coffee, got some cool, ready to work in clothes on, and drank my coffee.
Oh, my legs are sore. I'm still a bit tired. And yet, I'm ready to do what ever God gives me to do. (I just hope a little that it's easy and does not make me more sore. ^_^)
I can still see where the hail hit me last night. But again it was fun.
Well now the weather is warm and the wind is just cool enough, and I may just go for a walk or bike ride to stretch my legs a bit. Then check with my friend and co-worker to see when I work Wednesday.
The garden looks so nice. And momma, daddy, and sis planted lots of corn and green beans and gourds in the big garden. I can't wait to see them sprout. :)
I also have to build my garden box and plant my flowers and what not.
After a late night of being with some friends and sleeping in till the last minute and getting up for Church, My Darling and I spent the whole day together. After church we met up with my dear friend and her little girl for lunch and hung out for a long time. Then after lunch my darling and I went to the store to get me a pair of sunglasses (so my contacts would not melt to my eyes in the Hot Sun) and some sun screen. Then we went for a walk on the bike path.
As we were walking and talking, I noticed that the air was getting a bit cooler and I heard some Thunder in the distance. I saw the dark sky ahead but I felt we had time to walk to the end of the path and walk back to the car. I was Wrong!!
We get half way down the trail, (it's about a 5 mile trail maybe...) and the lightning started. I picked up the pace. Then I felt some rain drops, I went faster. Then it started pouring!! I jogged (all the while my darling was saying that it was such a bad idea going to the end of the trail! It kind of was...) Then out of no where, I get hit right smack dab between the eyes with a marble sized hail ball and I ran for it. kicked off my flip flops and sprinted for the car.
Well I'm not the best runner, I'm a bit out of shape, and the car kept getting further and further away. By the time we get to the car we where soaked! I could not catch my breath and we were covered with welts and bruises because of the storm!! But thinking on it now, it was kind of fun. It's a story we can tell every one at our wedding. :)
Well it rained and stormed off and on for a while and we were so tired.
After dinner we decided to watch a movie. But as soon as I laid my head down I was fast asleep. And did not wake up until my darling woke me up this morning to tell me that he had to go home and do home work. But even then I did not get up. I didn't get up until 10:30am. I jumped in the shower, made some coffee, got some cool, ready to work in clothes on, and drank my coffee.
Oh, my legs are sore. I'm still a bit tired. And yet, I'm ready to do what ever God gives me to do. (I just hope a little that it's easy and does not make me more sore. ^_^)
I can still see where the hail hit me last night. But again it was fun.
Well now the weather is warm and the wind is just cool enough, and I may just go for a walk or bike ride to stretch my legs a bit. Then check with my friend and co-worker to see when I work Wednesday.
The garden looks so nice. And momma, daddy, and sis planted lots of corn and green beans and gourds in the big garden. I can't wait to see them sprout. :)
I also have to build my garden box and plant my flowers and what not.
“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.” Irish Blessing.
With Prayers, Happy Thoughts, & Blessings,
Favorite Things,
Friday, May 13, 2011
A prayer for our Garden
Thank you for my garden, Lord, and for each tiny seed
that sprouts and blooms so beautifully to fill my soul's true need.
Thank you for the pleasure, Lord, I find here on bended knee
for my garden's glory surely is a blessing sent from Thee.
I see Your love reflected in the color of every bloom;
a rainbow of Your splendor in every tint and hue.
Each tiny, dew-drop coated bud a promise of Your love,
nurtured by warm, summer sun You send from up above.
I thank You for the gentle rain that that feeds the dry, parched earth
and freshens air and leaf and tree and gives each one new birth .
I thank You for the gentle breeze that bends each petaled head
and gently carries butterflies throughout my flower bed.
I ask You for Your Blessing, Lord, upon my little plot of land,
may it grow and flourish guided by Your hand.
Thank you for the pleasure, Lord, I find here on bended knee,
and in each flower that blossoms as a blessing sent from Thee.
Sun Sun SUN!!!
Sunday was Mothers day.
I love my momma so much. She has taught me so much in my 20 years of life. And now as I prepare my self for marriage and living on my own she is teaching me more and more every day.
She gives me little hints here and there and shows me things she does that helps. I'm very thankful for having such a Great Momma. I love her.
Proverbs 30: 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
Saturday my fiancées sister graduated from College and she asked if I would be there to celebrate with her and her family. It was a nice graduation. I was there just a year ago to see my Darling walk up to the dean and shake his hand as the dean gave him his diploma.
Also last year at this time my darling was away in China. And as I sit here in the sun pourch, I can only wonder if He will ever go away again, or if I ever will?!? I've never really been far from home. Never been on a plain. Someday I might.
Well Enjoy the Sun that is Sunny, and have some Fun that is Funny. Till next time,
With Love, Prayers, and Blessings.
I love my momma so much. She has taught me so much in my 20 years of life. And now as I prepare my self for marriage and living on my own she is teaching me more and more every day.
She gives me little hints here and there and shows me things she does that helps. I'm very thankful for having such a Great Momma. I love her.
Proverbs 30: 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
Saturday my fiancées sister graduated from College and she asked if I would be there to celebrate with her and her family. It was a nice graduation. I was there just a year ago to see my Darling walk up to the dean and shake his hand as the dean gave him his diploma.
Also last year at this time my darling was away in China. And as I sit here in the sun pourch, I can only wonder if He will ever go away again, or if I ever will?!? I've never really been far from home. Never been on a plain. Someday I might.
Well Enjoy the Sun that is Sunny, and have some Fun that is Funny. Till next time,
With Love, Prayers, and Blessings.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
While the Lines were down and What a Week...
While the Lines Are Down
Please don’t worry, I’m still here. A few nights ago we had a really bad storm, and our phone lines have been fuzzy sense. So that means our internet is down also. I would go to the library but that would only give me a limited time and I have so much to share. So I shall type in my Word Document and tell you what is going on then post it as soon as daddy runs some new phone lines under the house!
So where to begin?!? Well…
I had a good Easter. We (momma, daddy, little sister and I) went to my Grandparents, mommas, momma and daddy, and met up with my older sister her husband and little girl. We had dinner, and ate way too much candy and talked!
It was a good day. I missed the sunrise service at the park at six thirty Easter Morning. I was out at my fiancé’s parent’s house watching movies and chatting till very late. But next year I do plan to go.
Then after dinner at Grandmas I went over to my darlings’ house to give him the Easter basket she made him I stayed and went out to eat with his little sister who just got her license and a new car. It was nice to talk to her. Then I stayed and watched movies then went home.
The following days I have been waiting for my boss to call me and let me know when I can start working this year. I’ll be working at the golf course aging this year. But I asked if I could cook only this year so I could get tips to put back to pay for the wedding and my “new car” (My parents asked if I wanted to sell my “boat” and get a “new” car put in my name. I said YES!!) And my boss said he could work it out!
So I’m just waiting for his call/text and for the weather to break.
It’s been storming almost every day and night. It’s nice that God providing water for us and feeding His creation, but I think we could use some dry days now. ;)
Sense it’s been so wet outside I’ve been trying to keep myself busy inside. So I’ve been spinning my Angora Fiber and so far I have 1.4 oz’s of yarn. And still two plastic bags full of fiber to go! I have also been painting. I just got more into acrylic painting and I have to say I like it. It doesn’t run as much as Water Color and is just so much more vibrant in color! And I’ve been reading. I’m almost done with my book A Company of Swans. By: Eva Ibbotson. It’s very good. Next will be the book, Beastly. By: Alex Flinn. That one was just turned into a movie. It’s like a modern day telling of Beauty and the Beast, That we must look at the beauty within ourselves to really see how beautiful this world is. I think it’s a very good lesson for today’s generation to learn.
After that book maybe the novel I bought, Ireland . By: Frank Delaney or one I ordered that is a movie now, Water for Elephants. I can’t remember the author of that one. But I have a lot of reading to do this summer.
I’m also still working on my hope chest afghani.
Now lets see. What will I be doing on the days to come?!
Well, tomorrow I am going to a near by town to go see my darling after his classes and then have dinner with him and his family. Then I might go shopping with my friend in a neat little Liberal town not far from here. I say Liberal town to be nice. Growing up my Grandpa (dad’s dad) used to call it Hippie town because this town is very colorful and full of ‘different’ people. It’s because the College in this town is an Art centered Liberal college. I thought about taking a few art classes there. I still might. Not live there!! NO! But take some classes, yes!
Well that seems to be it for now, So I shall write again soon.
With Love, Prayers and Blessings.
What a Week!!
Oh goodness. It's nice to have internet again. I can check my bank accounts again, and check e-mail and see what all of my friends have been up to on facebook.
But it's also nice to blog again. I've been so longing to blog and just share my life with you dear reader.
So what has been going on. Well I got to see my Darling Saturday and got some things at Barns and Nobel. I got a kit for a Pin Hole Camera. That should be fun. I can't wait to get some film and take pictures and see how they turn out.
I also have a graduation to go to this weekend. My darlings sister (she is my age) is graduating from college, and I am going out to dinner with the family. Darlings grandparents are coming up and want to take everyone out to dinner. I have not seen them sense last May, and they have not seen my ring yet so this should be fun.
Today is Tuesday so today my dear Friend and Her sister, and me and my sister are to get together! I can't wait. But the dilemma is, to whom's house do we go? Hemmmmm..... That is the question!
But which ever way we shall go We shall have fun and great fellowship.
But now to some sad news.
Yesterday My little sisters most beautiful hen died. Her name was Bustle's and she was very pretty. She has not been well for a while. Her feet were getting bad and she was just slowing down. She was found in the corner of the cope. But also a few weeks ago, we had another hen go missing. Her name was Hero. She was named such because as a chick, she survived all the killings of her brothers and sister. It was a possum that got all of them but she lived. Well when she went missing we knew something got her. But we could not find a body. Well when Momma and sis found Bustle's they also found what was left of Hero. She was left just three feet from the coop door, next to the shed. Poor dear. And then today, momma and sis found another dead hen. She had no sings of foul play. Just dead. So we are not sure what is going on with all of the chickens but if any more die we will have no more. We are down to nine now.
Poor sis though. She loves her hens. As stupid as they are and as much of a hassle they are. She does love them. So it is hard to see them go.
It's still raining. I'm thinking of building an Arc here soon.
Well that is all that has happened this week and last. I pray that God sends dry weather soon.
With Love, Prayers, and Blessings.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Rain Drops on Roses, and Whiskers on Kittens....
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Silver white winters that Melt in to Spring....These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things....... <--That should be my title.
My Favorite Things.
By: Caitlynn
What are my Favorite things? Well I'll tell you.
As I sit here listening to the rain, and drinking my morning coffee I can't help but think of my favorite things. So here are a few....
Drinking coffee in the early morning sun, whether it be at m y home stead or at camp before every one wakes up, It's my time. Time for me to think and truly be "alone" with myself.(at times)
Reading A Good Book.
My Beloved and I swing dance!!! I love it. It's so fast paced and such a great work out. And you get to do all the really Awesome tricks. We can do a Back flip and all the 'dangerous' dips. I've been dropped, and have bounced my head off the floor many times. I have bruises all up and down my legs and waist (where we do lifts and "drops") And my muscles are so sore after a dance! But it's fun.
I love being with my friends. You never know what will be talked about, and what will be done!! :)
Taking Naps.
Two cuddly little doggies take a nap after getting all upset (a bit) that I am sitting on there Momma's bed!
Glow Sticks!
My Favorite Things.
By: Caitlynn
What are my Favorite things? Well I'll tell you.
As I sit here listening to the rain, and drinking my morning coffee I can't help but think of my favorite things. So here are a few....
Drinking coffee in the early morning sun, whether it be at m y home stead or at camp before every one wakes up, It's my time. Time for me to think and truly be "alone" with myself.(at times)
Reading A Good Book.
I love getting lost in my books. I have so many in my room right now and I'm still adding to my collection. SO needless to say, when My Beloved and I get a home of our own, well have to add a Library.
Great Art.
This is one of my own Paintings. It's only the size of 3"/4" photo. I love art. I love to draw. I'm now getting into painting, but Graphite Drawings/Sketches are my forte'.
I LOVE Music! I play Guitar, a little bit of piano, and I Sing. To give you an idea of how I sing, look up Handel's The Messiah and then listen to the song/sapraino solo, Beautiful Feet. My music teacher had me sing that once and I hit all the notes just right. I still do. I'm what you would call a Lyric Sapraino. I hit all the "Rafter Notes", the little notes that go above the music score lines. I love listening to music as well. I really like jazz/swing music. Like Michel Buble or Frank Sinatra. Just really nice music. I love it.
Google Image. |
Flowers make me feel so happy. The colors they bring to the world, the smells. Just like Heaven on Earth!!
Being with my Friends.
My Friends, (L) Samantha and (R) Gabrielle W. |
Taking Naps.
My above friends dogs, Mushu and Josephina Taking a nap together. |
Glow Sticks!
At a sleep over, with the lights turned off and the music up and the Glow sticks all a glow!! :)
Fun Crazy Socks.
I love knee high crazy socks!! They make me feel happy.
Being in My Beloveds Arms.
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Blue eyed boy meets a brown eyed girl, Oh wow Oh, The sweetest thing. (The Sweetest Thing. By U2.) |
I feel safe, warm, and at peace when I'm wrapped in my beloveds arms while watching a scary movie with Him and his roommate!
Being with Family.
"And Then the little girl opened her eyes to see the Three Bears Looking at her!" |
My niece and litter sister reading a book to our Cat. :)
My Cats!
Neff and Bynx holding "Hands" while watching tv with the family!
My dirty old pink high tops!
These shoes are about 51/2 years old. I've had them sense we moved into our house. I've written on them, drew on them, and had others write and draw on them. I love these shoes.
Taking Pictures.
I love taking Pictures. I would love to get an old Film Camera and take a class on how to develop film yourself. I love to take pictures of the beauty in this world. So that means I take pictures at odd angels and different light exposures and colors.
Well these are a FEW of my favorite things. I hope you enjoy.
Many Blessings to you this wonderful rainy day.
With Love, Prayers, and Happy Thoughts,
Favorite Things,
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