Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is harder than it looks....

So planing a wedding is kind of hard. I just can't seem to get out of the "Day Dream" stage of being engaged and in to "I'm getting married and need to plan this before (at the least) August of 2012!" stage just long enough to put some of my thoughts on to paper. But when I start all I seem to write is My Name next to his. And my name with his last name and what not!! Gerrrrr.... I am quite frustrated with myself. But I should enjoy that. I think I deserve some time to just day dream a bit longer. Because now when I dream I can put a face to the man at the alter who has been waiting for me all his life. See HIS face looking deep into mine and hearing HIS voice say "I Do!" It's what I've been dreaming of. And now those dreams are coming true. And now I'm starting to think that it's all happening all too fast!!!
 Ok... just breath.... take a drink of coffee.... ok that's better. You are still just ENGAGED! you have time. A year and a half is plenty of time to figure out colors and dresses and who will be there and what kind of cake and find a dress or make your own dress. It's going to be ok.
 Sigh. "Lord. Fill me with peace! Lend me some insight. Hold my hand till he takes it. Then hold us in your arms while we are in each others. Guide me through this. Bless us. Keep us. Show us your way with this. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen"
 There I feel much better.
Well now. Tonight I am going ice skating with my fieance'. Our first date sense Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is a home school get together at his house. I can't wait for that. I'll get to see friends who I have not seen in a very long time. I get to show off my ring. (Which I really like doing. Is that silly or what!?!?) And I'll just get to have fun and chill.
 Friday New Years Eve, will be a nice night. Dad, little sis, fieance' and I are going to a Blue Jackets Hockey game. I love hockey. I don't really know why. I guess it's because I can understand the rules better and I know how to keep score. New Years Day, lunch at my grandparents and then dinner with my family and fieance'.
 Sunday. Well Sunday is going to be VERY interesting. I'm going to go to my (soon to be) in-laws church and after I will be going out with my (soon to be) little sister-in-law and our friend for lunch and after lunch they are taking me to go get my nose pierced. I can't wait for that. Every time I think of nose piercings I think of Rebecka. And how the servant put gold rings in her nose to show that she is promised to her beloved. I like that. But I'm not going to get a gold ring. Just a small stud to start with.
 But yea. That is whats been going through my mind sense last time we spoke.
  Well I am going to go get ready to go out to lunch with my older sister. Have a Blessed day.
With Love, Prayers and Blessings.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A very Marry Christmas......

 Well this was certainly a Christmas to remember. First my Mom, Dad, Little Sister and Boyfriend and I went to my older sisters house for Christmas Eve. We opened presents, and ate some food.
 At about five o'clock my boyfriend and I got ready to go out. It was a surprise date for me. We left my sisters house and drove for what seemed for ever and I finally saw hints to where we were going. We were heading to where we go Contra dancing. I was a little happy to be going there, I mean I've not been dancing for a while and it would be nice to go again. Well we pull up to the dance hall and I notice that all of the lights int he building were out and there were no cars in the lot. I was just a tad confused. "There is no one here." I said. "I know." said my boyfriend as he got out of the car. I get out and hold my coat close to me against the cold night. It was lovely outside. As we walked around to the front of the building he stopped me and we stood under a street lamp. "We have been dating for 1 year, 6 months, 25 days, and 23 hours. This is where I took you dancing for the first time on April 22, 2009. And that was the night I first held your hand. This is also where we went to our first waltz May 30, 2009 and I asked you to be my girlfriend. Thus started our courtship and deeper friendship. I want you to look at some pictures I have for you." and here he hands me some pictures. The pictures were of places that play a part of our friendship and courtship. Where we first met, his house, my house, his dorm, and the place where we went to our swing dance lessons. The last picture was of a ring...... I look over to see my boyfriend down on one nee with a box and a beautiful ring. I immediately start to cry. He said, "We have been through a long journey together and i know that we have grown together and grown closer to God as well, and I'm asking that we continue our journey. Will you MARRIE ME!?"
I can't believe it my self. It was so romantic. And sweet. It was the best Christmas present I've ever received. I love him so much. And we are growing more in love with every day!
 We are planing on getting married sometime in 2012. That way he can finish college and we will have a few months to plan. Maybe October. I love the fall. And it well be a wonderful outdoor fall wedding.
 Christmas day was great too. I and my sister each got a new sewing machine, and I got some drinking glasses and a crock pot for my hope chest.
 This Was The Best Christmas Ever.
I pray that your Christmas was just as wonderful. God Bless.


Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Oh, Baby it's Cold Out Side....

 "I really can't stay(baby it's cold outside), I have to 'way(baby it's cold outside), This evening has very nice(I'll take you hands their cold as ice)....I really can't stay...Oh, but Baby it's Cold OutSide!"

 I love that song so very much. I never want to leave my nice warm(ish) house in the winter. And if there is snow on the gound... ForGetIt!! :) But if I really must I do enjoy seeing the world covered in glitter and gleam!
 Winter is a nice season to look at. I hate being in the snow on really cold, windy days. But if it's a nice some what warm, gentle breeze kind of day, I like going out and taking pictures of and kicking up the snow.
 Today is one of the first days of snow. It's sticking to the ground and falling ever so much. It started snowing last night and is still sifting from the sky. It really is pretty to look at but it's way too cold for me. So I'll stay in today.

 Well only 23 days till Christmas, I count Christmas Eve as Christmas day as well because we go to my older sisters house and open a few presents. I'm not sure what this Christmas will bring sense my boyfriend and I are a little more serious this year. Maybe after my Grandparents leave my house I may go to his house or he can come over to mine then switch so we can see each others families. I do count his family as mine because I am friends with all of his siblings and his mom is sweet and step dad is a hoot and a holler!! :)
 I can't wait till Christmas. I love the music, the decorations, gift giving!!! It's great. But I do have to admit that I am kind of relieved when it's over because as it gets closer and closer I get so stressed.
But I do love Christmas.

 On the 6th, is my dad's and boyfriends birthday! Dad will be (dare I say?!?) *4years old. (hahaha not I shan't get in to trouble!) and my boyfriend shall be 21! My birthday is two months away tomorrow! I'll be 20!!! OH GOODNESS 20!!
 No I am not ready for my birthday. I am not in college and really can't decide if I want to go. And who knows if I'll be planning a wedding or will be single, or still with him?!?!? OH I"M NOT READY! But it's the Lords will that I get older every year so I shall embrace it and greet it with a smile and prayer!!!

 Well I'm running out of things to talk about. So I shall go and knit and write a song maybe!! :)
With Love, Prayers, and Blessings.